John M. Keynesplein 10, 1066 EP Amsterdam
Alpex Legal B.V. is registered with the trade register of the Dutch chamber of commerce under number: 92034136.
Alpex Legal B.V. does not have a third party account (derdengeldenrekening).
Patrick Gremmels is registered with the Netherlands BAR association in the areas (expertisegebieden) corporate law (ondernemingsrecht), including mergers&acquisitions (fusies en overnames), companies (vennootschappen) and directors’ liability (bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid).
Walter Borchert is registered with the Netherlands BAR association in the areas (expertisegebieden) corporate law (ondernemingsrecht), including mergers&acquisitions (fusies en overnames), companies (vennootschappen) and directors’ liability (bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid).
Alpex Legal B.V. has a professional liability insurance with AIG. A copy is available for clients.
A copy of our compliant procedure is available here.